

Charles Allan Douglas

Charles Allan Douglas has that rare, if not unique ability to inspire leadership and confidence in his fellow man. It is a personal quality he has used to influence people from all walks of life, inspiring them to assume leadership roles, to set objectives for themselves and their organizations and to strive actively for the continued development of their communities.

As an agriculturist, he has a background of impressive achievement, as a valued employee of Scotsburn Creamery and as the Manager of Avon Valley Greenhouse Farm, followed by a 35 year career with the Department of Agriculture and Marketing in which he advanced from being a Summer Assistant in Pictou and Inverness Counties to his final appointment as Deputy Minister of the Department. During the intervening years, he also served as Assistant Agricultural Representative in Pictou, Agricultural Representative in Hants County, Assistant Director and, later, Director of Extension, and as Director of Livestock.

In all of these positions, despite the heavy and time-consuming responsibilities they entailed, he was always extremely conscious of the importance of the individual. Always an advocate of personal development, he did a great deal to assist and encourage people to make sound decisions, and to commit themselves to achieving worthy objectives.

He directed much of his untiring energy to rural youth, particularly in 4-H activities, and it is doubtful if any other Extension Worker has ever exerted more influence, or given more freely of his time, than Charles Douglas did in supporting this field of endeavour in the rural community. His dedication is reflected in the strong 4-H organization we have today in Nova Scotia, and in Canada.

Community development was another area in which he played an important role, actively supporting the formation of credit unions, County Federations of Agriculture, producer co-operatives for the processing and distribution of agricultural products, the National Farm Radio Forum and, in general, the growth of farmer control of processing and marketing.

Mr. Douglas is an Honourary Lifetime Member of the Canadian Society of Rural Extension, a Fellow of the Agricultural Institute of Canada, Honourary Associate of the Nova Scotia Agricultural College and a Member of the Senate Club of the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture.

His quiet, forceful leadership, his desire to relate to the individual, his dedication to new technology and positive thinking are all recognized in his induction into the Atlantic Agricultural Hall of Fame.