

Gerald Gordon Smeltzer

Nominated by the N.S. and Maritime Beekeepers' Associations, Gerry Smeltzer, leader, teacher and worker with initiative, imagination and foresight, has made a major contribution to Atlantic Canada and its people.

A graduate of the Nova Scotia Agricultural College and McGill University, his work in the livestock industry, apiculture, livestock crops, 4-H, and his community rapidly earned Gerry Smeltzer the admiration of all who came to be associated with him.

As an Extension worker with the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing, he promoted improved livestock management techniques and was considered a driving force in the 4-H program. While an agrologist with Agriculture Canada, his work on new varieties of corn for silage and grasses, legumes, soybeans, fababeans, field peas and small grains, laid the foundation for the livestock feed industry of Eastern Canada.

In 1966, Mr. Smeltzer was named the Annapolis Valley Man of the Year in appreciation of his efforts. His interest in the further development of the apiculture industry resulted in his teaching beekeeping courses for over 14 years and serving as Chairman of the Atlantic Winter Fair Honey Booth for 25 years. A founding member of the Nova Scotia and Maritime Beekeepers' Associations, he served as Secretary of the provincial association for 25 years. In 1987, he was awarded the Fred Rathje Memorial Award by the Canadian Beekeepers' Association.

An active supporter of his church, he has served as Chairman of the Finance Committee and Chairman of the Stewardship Board. He also served as Chairman of the Building Committee overseeing the construction of a new christian education facility.

Born in Upper Vaughan, Hants County, he is married to the former Helen Campbell. They have three children.