Image Collections and GIS
offers over a million high quality digital images in art, architecture, and archaeology that can be downloaded for academic use. If you access ARTstor from a 果酱视频 computer, you will have access to its full features. If you register your laptop with 果酱视频 (by the Sexton Help Desk), ARTstor will recognize you as a 果酱视频 user and give you full features for six months after you register for an ARTstor account. To register for an account, go to and click on Enter Here. After you have registered, log in each time you visit. Note: ARTstor is not compatible with Google's Chrome web browser.
Other Image Sources
The Sexton Library provides links to other听: freely available online collections, collections created by 果酱视频 University, and paid-subscription image databases.
GIS Spatial Data
ArcGIS geospatial data sets for Halifax Regional Municipality and other locations in Nova Scotia are available through the university's听. Industry-standard software includes ESRI ArcGIS 9.1 (ArcInfo version) and AutoCAD, available on all lab computers running Windows operating systems. Mac users typically request data conversion to CAD format for use in applications such as VectorWorks, Illustrator, and SketchUp.